
The author behind this site is Robert, an award winning short story writer with several published stories in Swedish magazines.

Robert’s view is that creativity emerges from the unconscious and that art, when it arrives from the deeper sources, has a possibility to widen the conscious. Thus, art at it’s best can make the unknown less unfamiliar for the individual as well for mankind. He also considers art of this deeper kind more important now than ever – considering the accelerated development in technology, changes in society and the increasing demand for intellectuall top performance.

If you want to contact Robert – feel free to use the following e-mail address.

rupert99 [at] gmail [dot] com


”After the first short stories I wondered what the guy was using.”

”It is like Pulp Fiction but short and in written form.”

”You get the urge to laugh and cry at the same time.”

”Amazing how you can express so much in so few words. I laughed out loud a couple of times. Other short stories hurt to read.”

”The stories are macabre and you wonder what is going on inside the author’s head.”

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